編者按:5日美國大選塵埃落定,特朗普再次當選為美國總統。不管支持還是反對,不可否認的是,美國即將進入一個新的歷史階段。書評特別推薦Peter Turchin 的著作《END TIMES》。The lessons of world history are clear, Turchin argues: when the equilibrium between ruling elites and the majority tips too far in favor of elites, political instability is all but inevitable.
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Newsletter 11/9 | END TIMES 和野夫的《孤島》
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編者按:5日美國大選塵埃落定,特朗普再次當選為美國總統。不管支持還是反對,不可否認的是,美國即將進入一個新的歷史階段。書評特別推薦Peter Turchin 的著作《END TIMES》。The lessons of world history are clear, Turchin argues: when the equilibrium between ruling elites and the majority tips too far in favor of elites, political instability is all but inevitable.