《季風書訊》 第一期發刊啦!JF Books Review, Number 1
♫This is a bilingual newsletter in Chinese and English. Enjoy your reading! ♫
接下來幾分鐘內,您將讀到來自每個書店員工的推薦書目。季風也會通過我們的 Substack 帳戶發佈簡報文字版。未來,我們將繼續跟大家分享每月活動的咨詢和書籍推薦。對於不在DC生活的讀者們,希望我們以電子方式保持聯繫!
Dear readers, as promised, we’re sending you our very first newsletter!
In the next few minutes, you'll discover our staff picks and the books we've selected for your monthly reading list. We'll also be publishing our newsletters through our Substack account. Moving forward, we'll continue to curate this space by sharing updates on our monthly events and book recommendations.
For those that are physically far away from JF Books, we’ll stay connected with you in this cyberspace. ☺️
Most importantly, we want to provide hope and strength for us to participate in the creation of a better version of the world, to connect with people, and to better “world” the world.
We’re always here, when you want to step out your room but have a hard time finding places to go to. We’ll keep curating both the physical and the cyber JF Books to be the Oasis for your reading and your connection with others, including those who lived in the other times.
Be sure to stop by the store whenever you can to explore our carefully curated selection of books in both English and Chinese!
Happy Holidays!
Let’s get going
Edith Eva Eger, The Ballerina of Auschwitz——Survivors of concentration camp offers a unique narrative that’s much needed now
This is a powerful story about overcoming darkness and reclaiming one's life. Dr. Edith Eger, a Holocaust survivor, shares her harrowing experience of surviving Auschwitz, but the true heart of her story lies in how she found hope and healing in the aftermath of unimaginable suffering. Rather than just recounting the horrors she endured, Eger focuses on the internal battle she fought—facing her fears, guilt, and trauma head-on to reclaim her life.
Her memoir is not only a story of survival, but also a testament to the power of forgiveness and self-compassion. Her story inspires us that true healing comes from within, and that no matter how deep our wounds, we can rise from them stronger.
-From Ziaki Teo
Margaret Hillenbrand, On the Edge: Feeling Precarious in China—— offers a nuanced exploration of how economic and social precarity shapes contemporary life in China.
Hillenbrand introduces the concept of "zombie citizenship," describing how marginalized populations—particularly migrant workers—exist in a state of exclusion, navigating a precarious life on the fringes of society. Through diverse cultural practices, such as avant-garde art, worker poetry, and microcelebrities on platforms like Kuaishou, the book examines how individuals express resistance against their circumstances despite societal disdain or censorship.
Hillenbrand’s interdisciplinary approach connects inequality with expressions of frustration and survival, demonstrating that precariousness affects both the marginalized and privileged. Public performances, such as workers threatening suicide to demand wages, reflect how acts of desperation become spectacles, challenging mainstream narratives of social stability. The book critiques not only the suppression of these voices but also the complicity of cultural institutions that commodify such expressions.
——from Calvin
Dubravka Ugrešić, The Ministry of Pain——what is homeland for the young Yugoslav exiles in Amsterdam
It’s hard to answer questions like “Who is your favorite author?” and “Which is your favorite book”. But if you ask me right now, I will say, without thinking for a second, Dubravka Ugrešić, and almost all her books.
Her name always appears with very short introduction, not many glorious titles, nor prestigious international or national literary awards. On the back cover of one of her most well-known novels, The Ministry of Pain, her introduction goes “An acclaimed novelist and essayist, Dubravka Ugrešić is a native of the former Yugoslavia who left her homeland in 1993 for political reasons. She now lives in Amsterdam.” As if there is no more to say about her. That’s also part of the reason why I’m promoting her work to everyone who asks a recommendation. But the introduction is probably enough for you to know her—she is a writer who left her homeland. This is also a novel about herself, as the narrator is a professor of Yugolav literature at a university in Amsterdam. The word “homeland” may sound seductive to anyone who is forced or choose to leave to their homes, but when the narrator encourages other young Yugoslav exiles to indulge their “Yugonostalgia” in essays, in talking, danger also comes.
Fun fact: the title of the book, Ministry of Pain comes from the name of the sweatshop where those young Yugoslav exiles assemble leather and rubber S&M clothing.
“She is a writer to follow. A writer to be cherished.” Susan Sontag
-From W HY
Perry Link and Wu Dazhi, I Have No Enemies: The Life and Legacy of Liu Xiaobo——the life of China's leading dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo
"I Have No Enemies" offers a compelling portrait of Liu Xiaobo, China's leading dissident and Nobel Peace Prize laureate whose empty chair at the 2010 award ceremony became a powerful symbol of political persecution. Authors Perry Link and Wu Dazhi masterfully trace Liu's journey from scholar to activist, documenting his evolution from a literary critic immersed in classical Chinese philosophy to a key figure in China's democracy movement. The biography explores Liu's strategic vision of "changing a regime by changing a society," from his brave stand at Tiananmen Square to his role in Charter 08, culminating in his final imprisonment and death in 2017. This meticulously researched work not only chronicles Liu's remarkable life and captures the broader struggle of a generation of Chinese intellectuals seeking a democratic future. It's an essential read for understanding the price of political conscience in contemporary China.
Lu Xun (Author), Julia Lovell (Translator, Introduction), Yiyun Li (Afterword), The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China: The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun——the collective spirit of countless voiceless souls
Lu Xun's "The Real Story of Ah-Q” stands as a masterful portrait of human nature through its tragic-comic protagonist, a poor laborer in late Imperial China. Ah-Q’s famous "spiritual victories" - his ability to transform humiliation into psychological triumph - resonates deeply with readers who might recognize this self-deception in themselves and their society. Set against the 1911 Revolution, the story follows Ah-Q’s futile attempts to climb the social ladder, ending in his unjust execution. Through this humble character's life and death, Lu Xun crafts more than just a critique of Chinese society; he creates a universal mirror reflecting the struggles of ordinary people caught in times of social transition. The genius of the novella lies in how Ah-Q embodies not just one man's tragedy, but the collective spirit of countless voiceless souls who lived and died in obscurity throughout history.
—from Can
[加] F. S. 邁克爾斯,《難逃單調》——經濟學,經濟和社會的交叉
當經濟成為唯一的價值評判標準,我們的期望總會變得單一:只存在唯一一條正確的道路——金錢之路。《難逃單調》一書中,作者邁克爾斯探討了在經濟的影響下,家庭、健康、教育、藝術、信仰等,如何從人們所追求的終極目的,變成了達成商業成功的一種手段。「如果你相信世界是他們說的那個樣子,那麼你就喪失了開創自己人生的自由與能力。」 但幸運的是,我們依然可以選擇打破這種單一化的思維方式,過上更多元且有意義的生活,塑造屬於自己的獨特生命軌跡。
——From Ziaki
——from Calvin
本書是「工人階級史」(Working Class History)項目組策劃編寫的草根運動手冊,中文版由「51人」獨立出版,由372位譯者共同參與翻譯和校對。該書蒐集了數百起來自世界各地的工人抗爭事件,涵蓋不同群體——婦女、有色人種、移民、原住民、LGBTQ人群等,他們的行動曾推動變革,帶來生活與工作條件的改善。編者以日曆式編織呈現,彷彿在提醒我們,無數普通人日復一日的抗爭與犧牲換得的結晶,不應成為被人遺忘的歷史塵埃。
From Sophie:
——From W HY
——From Can
主編:W, HY
書評供稿:Ziaki, Sophie, Can, Calvin, W, HY